Custom Emails

This feature is only available on our Pro plan.
By default all emails are sent from  but you can set up your own email address to send emails instead of the default  address.
This is great for maintaining your brand and company name in emails that are sent from your account.

How to set a custom email address up

On the custom email page you'll see this:
To define your custom domain you need to enter the sender name and email address you want to use.
So for this example I'm going to use the sender name: PDC Demo and the email address 

When you click "Save" you will be shown the DNS settings you need to use to complete the custom emails setup:
Follow the instructions that appear after you have specified your custom email settings on your custom email page to add your DNS records. In the example below I am using Amazon Web Services Route 53 but other DNS record providers have a very similar process. You need to use the service that hosts your DNS records to set your custom email up.

DKIM Record

Copy the name to the DNS record name. Set the type as specified. And set the value as specified - This will look similar to the below:

Return Path Record

Copy the name to the DNS record name. Set the type as specified. And set the value as specified - This will look similar to the below:
Save the records in your DNS. It may now take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours for these records to propagate.
You can check to see if these records are now valid using the Verify DKIM and Verify Return-Path buttons at the bottom of your custom emails page. This will check the records and show you whether these are now valid.
If your records are not valid by the next day then double check the details you have entered.
Once the records are valid all emails that are sent from your account will now be sent from the email address and sender name you defined.