In there are 2 user types; Creators & Collaborators.
are people who manage projects. These are commonly people from within your business but you might also assign freelancers with a creator role if they drive projects forwards too. Creators are the people you pay for on a per user seat basis on our Pro plan.
are people who work with you on projects. These are commonly clients or other people you invite to collaborate with you on projects. They will input on projects but won't commonly be the people driving the project forwards. People who have a collaborator role are free in on all plans. Within these 2 user types there are 5 built in roles. These are:
For clients or freelancers. They can collaborate in discussions, see the due date of tasks & invite other people from their team. They can't create projects, open or edit tasks or view notes. They can only see projects they are invited to.
For clients or freelancers who need more control. In addition to the Collaborator role they can also create, open and edit tasks (tasks must have "Creators & Collaborators" privacy setting). They can only see projects they are invited to.
For members of your team. They can create & edit projects, see all task views, create & edit tasks, view all account level projects, invite & edit people, use templates, view & create time entries, view & create payments.
For members of your team who need more control. In addition to the Creator role they can create & manage custom fields, create & edit templates, create & delete groups, edit allocated time & delete time entries, delete payments.
For account administrators. In addition to the Creator Plus role they can also view and edit all account settings.
All account visible projects
Remove people from their group
Remove people from any group
Edit notification status for people from their group
Edit notification status for people from any group
Can view & use existing templates
View task events in task views
Can assign people to their group only
Can assign people to any group
Can assign roles to people
Can have tasks allocated to them
Belong to multiple groups
Be allocated to time entries
Edit allocated time on projects