Import Data

From any page of your account click your name and profile picture at the bottom of the sidebar. And then choose "Account Settings" from the menu. Note: You need to have a "Creator Admin" role to do this.

Then from the settings page, click on "Import Data":

On this page you'll see this:

This gives you the ability to import data to each entity type including:

If you have a full set of data to import including groups, people, projects and tasks then we recommend importing them in a specific order as follows:
1. Groups
2. People
3. Projects
4. Tasks
We recommend importing them in this order as the entities further down the list have relationships with entities earlier in the list. So if you import them in this order it will mean that all your relationships remain intact.

When you choose a data type to import from the top dropdown menu you'll be able to download an import template CSV file so you can structure your data. Alternatively you can use your format and just use the import template to see what fields we can import for each entity.

The "Overwrite Data" toggle switch lets you decide whether matching data should be overwritten with new fields or not. For example, if a matching project is found its data can be overwritten by having this turned ON.

When you are ready to import you can click on "Begin import" to get started. When you do this you'll see our importer popup:

Simply drag and drop your CSV data file in the middle to upload your file.

When you've done this the first option you'll have is to choose the header row for your data file. This will usually be the top row so if it is you can simply click on "Next".

On the next page you can map your columns. This makes sure you are importing all the columns you want to import data for.

After you've mapped your columns you'll go to a data validation page. This shows you any incorrect, missing or inaccurate data in red. You can click into a cell to change the data or go back and re-upload a new CSV file after making the edits.

Then your file will be submitted and new data will show in your account.

Back on the import data page you'll also see this section:

This shows you which data you have imported in the past and the status of the import.

At the right hand side of each import you'll see a red "X". If you click this it will delete the data from the specified import. This is great for deleting data after you have imported it if you realise it's incorrect, inaccurate or if there is a mistake.