Navigating your account

Your account contains 2 parts. At the left hand side you will see the sidebar, this is where most of your account navigation lies. And, on the right hand side is the content area where your data and information is presented.


Your dashboard is the first page you land on when you login to your account.

From your dashboard you can see the most recent and important data to you. You can also customise the page setup so it shows things in your preferred way.  See more about the dashboard here 


The sidebar gives you a quick way to navigate to most parts of your account. Its made up of a few sections which we'll detail below:


The logo shows at the top of the sidebar. If you have a free account then the  logo will show here.
If you have a Pro account then you'll have the ability to use our custom branding feature to add your own logo & colours to the sidebar. This is great for branding  as your own so your account has a consistent brand feel with your business.

Quick action buttons

At the top of the sidebar are the quick action buttons. These buttons let you get important things quickly from any page.
Quick action buttons include:
Back and forward buttons - These buttons take you back a page or forward a page. They are purely for back and forward navigation.
Time - This button opens the time popup so you can allocate time, manually record time or start a timer on any project. You'll see a count bubble on this button to show how many active timers you currently have running.
Notification inbox - This button takes you to the notification inbox where all your notifications are displayed. You'll also see a count bubble on this button to show how many unread notifications you have.
Global search - This button will open the global search popup so you can search for projects, tasks, people, groups and files.
AI Assistant - This button will open the AI Assistant popup so you can ask the AI to help you create new content or perform actions within your account.

Main page links

The main page links take you to the main pages within your account.
The users role (see more about  Roles & Permissions ) will determine which links they see. A simple explanation is as follows:
Dashboard - Will show for all user roles.
Projects - Will show for all user roles.
Templates - Will only show for Creator Plus and Creator Admins.
Tasks - Will show for all user roles.
People - Will show for all user roles. Bear in mind that people with one of the Collaborator roles will only see people who are in groups they are part of.
Groups - Will show for all user roles. Bear in mind that people with one of the Collaborator roles will only see groups they are part of.
Files - Will show for all user roles.
Payments - Will show for all user roles but this can be set as on or off for people with one of the Collaborator roles in your account settings page. See more here:  Account Settings 
Time - Will only show for people with one of the Creator roles.

Starred pages

Starred pages will show for all users. This is where anyone can save pages so they can get back to them quickly.
When you save a starred page it will save with all filter, sorting and grouping settings so you can get back to that page with all its settings quickly. See more about starred pages here:  Starred pages 

Show/hide the sidebar

At the bottom of the sidebar you'll see a tab so you can collapse or expand the sidebar.
This is great for if you want to see data in the content section full screen or if you just want more space to see things.

Change view buttons

On all of the main views you have a set of buttons above the view to change to another view. These buttons look like this:
When you click one of these buttons you'll stay within the same entity but change to a different view. For example, if you're viewing projects in list view and you click the kanban button then you will be taken to the projects kanban view.

Buttons above views

Above every view there is a set of buttons to allow you to filter, sort & group the view.
These are fairly intuitive. If you hover over any of these buttons you'll see that you get different options for sorting and grouping the data in the current view.

Many views will have different buttons at the top of the page for setting which fields show for the current view, whether to show completed projects or which columns to display at the top of the kanban for example.
Please check out these buttons to see what options you have on your current page.

When you alter the settings on a view you might want to save the view so you see it with the same settings next time you visit the same page. To do this you can use the "Save View" button on the same row.
See more about saving the view settings here:  Saved page settings 

Searching on pages

Every view page also has a search bar.
This is an instant search meaning you don't need to hit enter to search and it will work very fast. It will search the results that are currently displaying based on the filter settings you have active on the current page.