This page includes the basic setup style settings for your account. These include:
Account Name
This is the name of your account. It shows in the browser tab and also shows in welcome emails so new invitees know the name of the account they have been invited to.
Default project status
This is the default project status for new projects that you create. When you create a new project it will be given this status by default.
Default project privacy
This is the default project privacy for new projects that you create. When you create a new project it will be given this privacy setting by default.
Default task status
This is the default task status for new tasks that you create. When you create a new task it will be given this task status by default.
Default task privacy
This is the default task privacy for new tasks that you create. When you create a new task it will be given this privacy setting by default.
Default note privacy
This is the default note privacy for new notes that you create. When you create a new note it will be given this privacy setting by default.
Default currency
This is the default currency for new payment requests. When you create a new payment request, it will show with this currency by default.
Default auto tax
This specifies whether you would like Stripe to automatically calculate the tax on your payments by default. Stripe calculates the tax for payments based on your location and tax settings and the payee's location. See more about this here:
If set to OFF - Then tax will not be calculated automatically by Stripe.
If set to ON - Then tax will be automatically calculated b y Stripe.
This setting does not affect Paypal payments as Paypal does not have an auto tax function.
Payments item
This determines whether the payments item shows in the sidebar for people with a collaborator or collaborate a plus role. If turned off then the payments item won't show in the sidebar. If turned on then the payments item will show in the sidebar.
Unsplash Collection ID, auto project image & auto cover image
When you create a new project the auto project image setting defines whether we had a cover image and project image automatically or not. If you set the auto project image setting to ON then a project image and cover image will be added automatically to new projects. If this setting is OFF then project and cover images won't be added automatically.
This is great for branding your projects automatically when you create them so all projects have a splash of colour automatically.
The Unsplash collection ID determines which Unsplash image collection is used to pull images from at random. The default Unsplash image collection is: but you can change the default collection by entering your own collection ID into this field.
Watch the video below to learn more about this feature:
This setting defines whether images uploaded to tasks will be used on the kanban view as images on the kanban cards. This is great for visualising images on the kanban cards. If turned ON then the first image uploaded to task will be used on the kanban card. If set to OFF then images uploaded to tasks won't be used on kanban cards.
Default views
By default starts on the list views. But you might prefer the calendar, scheduler or kanban views. Wouldn't it be nice to start on those views if that's what you prefer? Well with this section you can decide which views you would prefer to start on.
These are 2 ways to define this. For all users (which is done on this page) or for just your user (which is done on your User Settings page).
For all users
This is great for setting your account up so everyone who accesses your account will see the default views you prefer. For example you could set the kanban view as the default for tasks. The options are:
Projects - You can decide between the list, card, calendar, scheduler and kanban views.
Templates - You can decide between the list & card views.
Tasks (All Projects) this is the global tasks view - You have the option of viewing all tasks or my tasks and also the list, cards, calendar, scheduler & kanban views.
Tasks (Inside Projects) this is when you're viewing the tasks tool inside a project - You have the option of viewing all tasks or my tasks and also the list, cards, calendar, scheduler & kanban views.
Whatever options you select will be the default view type when all users go to each page. So if you want kanban to be the default view for tasks then you can set that to be the case.
Watch the video below to learn more about how the account default views work and how to override them at the individual user level.
You can override the account set default views for just your user. And all other users can do the same. This means that you can set what you think everyone might prefer in the account settings and then people can set their own settings if they want to override this for just their own user.
To find out how to do this at a user level, see here: User Settings
Request deletion
You can request to have your account deleted from our system. This is something we need to do manually for you so please Contact us to request this.