
From any page of your account click your name and profile picture at the bottom of the sidebar. And then choose "Integrations" from the menu. Note: You need to have a "Creator Admin" role to do this.

Then click on the "Stripe" box.
Once on the page you will see the following:

To find your Stripe keys please check out this Stripe article: 
You can use your TEST keys or your LIVE keys with . We'd recommend using your TEST keys first to make sure everything works as expected.
To do this, enter your test keys and save. Then set up a payment on a test project within your  account and choose "Make Payment" from the options button on the payments page. Then test the payments process using the Stripe test card details from here: 
When you're happy that the process is working well you can switch from your TEST keys to your LIVE keys and take live payments on your projects.